Monday, November 14, 2011

You want to me run what?

Yes, El Norteño is running the El Paso Marathon... Just FYI the writer of the Blog has completed in over 8 marathons, paying entry fee for almost all of them, each time swearing never to do another one again... So the question to anybody now following the possible colapse of El Norteño is where will I fall?  Mile .1 , Mile 13.1 or Mile 26.. BTW El Norteño should have sponsor by now.. The one from A.A. doesn't qualify!


  1. Are you really running the EP marathon El Norteno?? when is it? BTW, I'm starting my own blog too. it's called, "Aye, Aye" and you can find it under :D

  2. Claro que si! El Norteño is running the EP marathon on 2/5/11.. This 26.2 starts on top to Transmountain and goes downhill. Should be fast..However, El Norteño is not conditioned for speed, only distance.. Come out cheer on local runners and enjoy Regional brews from Jaxon's on Airway!

  3. Good luck El Norteno....just remember we don't want a repeat of Conquer Taos 2000....higher altitude training required. Don't get me wrong E.P. is no 5280 more like 3740, but compared to DFW's probably want to consider the extra training. We have no doubts that El Norteno will finish strong!
